
Ronald Stimphil, President/CEO/Chairman


Our president/C.E.O. is Ronald Stimphil. Pastor Stimphil has been doing Christian ministry for over 30 years. First, he started as a campus missionary working with InterVarsity Christian Fellowship (IVCF). He later became president of the IVCF chapter at his college. Subsequently, he went into a short-termed mission trip with the organization in Africa.

After he got married to his wife Pluvenie, they both moved to Louisville, Kentucky where their five children were born, and that is also where Pastor Ron attended Southern Baptist Theological Seminary (SBTS) from which he graduated with a master of divinity degree in pastoral counseling (MDivPC). While in seminary, he became a church administrator, and then the interim senior pastor of a local Haitian congregation.

After graduating from seminary, the family moved to Georgia. There, Pastor Ron was temporarily an assistant pastor, and then thereafter, another time, an interim senior pastor. During their fourteen years in Georgia, Pastor Ron worked as an adjunct professor of theology and psychology for the New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary (NOBTS) extension in Georgia for eight years, as well as a public high school Math teacher for four years. Today, Pastor Ron teaches Bible Study on YouTube, and he serves as a speaker and author, while he and his wife Pluvenie continue to serve the community both in the United States and Haiti. They have started an English class at First Haitian Baptist Church of New Orleans in Louisiana, where they are serving, for newly arrived Haitian immigrants. They also mentor the youth, training them for ministry, and at the same time bridging the language barrier gap to keep the church unified. With this new organization, Beth-Lehem-El (BLE), he and his wife hope to help improve the lives of Haitians in Haiti by teaching them the good news of Jesus Christ and equipping them to improve their lives by starting a school for adult learners, and planning on building schools, universities and centers of mission training. [Presently, over sixty adults are being trained to read and write in Cap Haitien, and more than two hundred people are periodically helped with food and clothing in Cap Haitien and Cabaret; and a staff of prayer warriors are constantly mobilized to keep the ministries in prayer. We believe that God is able to, and will, change the circumstances in Haiti. Haiti will become a global center for the proclamation of the evangel.]

Pastor Ron is also the Chairman of the Board of Directors for now.

Pluvenie Pluviose-Stimphil, Secretary/Director


Pluvenie Pluviose-Stimphil is the secretary for BLE. Pluvenie has always served by her husband Pastor Ron’s side. She is the tireless partner who has made it her life goal to push the boundaries of what is possible in order to fulfill our purpose to improve the lives of the people in Haiti.

Even years before this organization was not even a thought, she acquired property both in Cap-Haitien and Cabaret in a bid to help the people who were being helped in those two places to be self-sustaining by cultivating them and using the products for themselves. Despite holding a degree in Business Administration from Indiana Wesleyan University, and having received some seminary training, Pluvenie has preferred homeschooling her and her husband’s five children and helping them reach the highest levels of education they could (a lawyer, a business scholar and two engineers, with their youngest child being autistic). She has also devoted herself to assisting her husband in ministering to the least of these by taking the helm of the social branch of the ministry, as well as mentoring and counseling women (or all who are actively seeking her wise counsel).  She is passionate about serving others, and she is not afraid to sacrifice herself to do so. She is also a member of the Board of Directors.

Widline Charles, Treasurer/Director/Outreach Coordinator


Our treasurer is Widline Charles. Widline is a mother of three beautiful children, and she and her husband Dabyno are raising their children in the fear and the nurture of God. Widline holds a Business degree, but her passion, besides raising their three wonderful children has always been to be a tireless ambassador for God’s kingdom.

She has worked as our outreach coordinator, as she is a natural at connecting those in need to our organization, so that they can get the help needed. She is very dynamic and effective in assisting those in need.

She is also an excellent administrator, as well as an exceptional steward of God’s money. She goes above and beyond the call of Christian duty. She and her family live in the state of Georgia. Widline also doubles as one of the directors on the Board of Directors for BLE.

Melissa Akinyele, Director


Melissa Akinyele is one of the directors on board. This godly woman lives and breathes for the word of God to reach to the ends of the earth. Very much mission-minded, Melissa received theological training which equips her for the task the Lord has assigned her.

She is an untiring and faithful Kingdom ambassador who faithfully lives her life and is not afraid of risks taken wisely to serve the Kingdom. She has gone on domestic as well as foreign missions. She always takes every opportunity to mentor younger women in the Lord and teach them the truth of the Good News. Melissa is the mother of four beautiful children and lives in New Jersey.

Christine Pluviose, Director


Christine Pluviose, another director on the Board of Directors, is a beloved Christian sister who is also very faithful to the cause of serving the least of these. Christine’s generosity knows no bounds, and she is particularly dedicated to the purpose and the goals set by BLE.

In college, Christine wanted to be a teacher, but she became instead a registered nurse who loves Jesus, and as such, she serves her community in many different capacities. She lives in the state of New York.